[dvlug] Virtual LUG meeting _today_, 3pm-5pm

Don Smith dcsmith at gmail.com
Tue Oct 20 13:12:21 PDT 2020

Hi Grant,
I was going through the local list of virtuals, and didn't see anything for
the rest of the month. I didn't check the ones for outside the bay area.
Just checking if I missed it.
Thanks again, I wouldn't feel safe meeting in person myself, I'm in an at
risk group.

Good to hear from you

Don Smith

On Tue, Oct 20, 2020 at 12:54 PM Grant Bowman <grant at dvlug.org> wrote:

> I haven't checked out La Scala to see if they have opened yet. I think
> virtual meetings as Rick detailed and IRC are your best options right now.
> Cheers,
> Grant
> On Tue, Oct 20, 2020, 12:02 Don Smith <dcsmith at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Rick,
>> Thanks for the list, I got busy and wasn't able to attend at the time, do
>> you know if there are any local lug meetings for the rest of the month?
>> Thanks for the info.
>> On Tue, Sep 22, 2020 at 1:25 PM Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com> wrote:
>>> Quoting Don Smith (dcsmith at gmail.com):
>>> > Hope everyone is doing well, I will say even as an infrequent attendee
>>> I do
>>> > miss the in person meetups, and hope this whole madness blows over
>>> soon.
>>> Silver lining:  There are now _many_ online LUG meetings you can
>>> attend from wherever you are.  One of them is _today_ at 3pm - 5pm PDT.
>>> Perhaps you will join me there.
>>> WHERE:  meet.jit.si/ALE-SW
>>> <http://email.dvlug.org/c/eJw9jUELgjAcxT_NvCXqFPWwg5ohYSGU7Tz3dzpxWTpU-vSNDsF7D36X9wMS-iEGS5IsQV7KivX6Xs8IH-t9yi9VV9-ZGh5t8FzdjMpPH9TlzjiFqi22lM7OhnxHMTna3W_5pKyeCHAbATwKReCIKA4w84D5GMcCGlPXGkmv9QthozyZqLbV9iC1vUhDSZkfbtSaCfBFSd0bw__8Cye6N_4>
>>> WHEN:  Today, 3-5pm, our time
>>> YOU NEED:  Chrome or Chromium (or some other browsers),
>>>            plus a webcam and mic.
>>> OR:   Call in voice-only[1] to (512) 647.1431, and enter PIN: 3398 1769
>>> 52
>>> Today's meeting is of Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts' (ALE's) ALE-SW group
>>> that in normal times meets in southwest Atlanta.  To join, fire up
>>> Chrome or Chromium or some other browser with good WebRTC and Javascript
>>> support, and open https://meet.jit.si/ALE-SW
>>> <http://email.dvlug.org/c/eJw9jU8LgjAchj_Ndkvmn6WXHdIMCQuhzPNvm7qJy9Kh0qdPOgQPLzyX95EsDEJfYs2SA_JiyObrez4j_1iuQ3op2vIOpnvU9Dm7SaU_ipb5CqKSRZ0tcTWSBQXEgO6d9rdiMFgx4AIanws3cnlIPCCUhBREJPdNwBvwcM-Uta8J-VvztGHq2jqdts6kNzvk6e5W4ZFJMRlt1Zb4v38BW6w4Sg>
>>> .
>>> That meet.jit.si
>>> <http://email.dvlug.org/c/eJw9jb0OgjAYAJ-mHQlYys_QQVBDjBoGkbmlX2kJFYUGiE8vcTC53HgnWRzGRGLD8j3aZbyYb-_5jMihWofjtWyrO7fdA-hzDvLafDStLitvallCsWT16C8o9C03vdf-3AwWa0YSRRVAKgWQVKWRiGiyC6SKhR-BkBz3TDv3QmRbnjYsgPM647zJ4JHJZrLG6S38b34BS8I1wg>
>>> site is the public demonstration instance of Jitsi
>>> Meet, one of the open source alternatives to Zoom.  (Unlike Zoom, it
>>> doesn't call for a proprietary client program, but not all Web browsers
>>> give good results, e.g., some people have an OK experience with Firefox,
>>> and others don't.)
>>> If you've used Zoom, you can definitely use Jitsi Meet; they're rather
>>> similar.
>>> Michael Paoli and I at Bay Area Linux User Group are trying to keep a
>>> list of virtual LUG meetings now being held over Internet
>>> teleconferencing.
>>> I've attended ones in, for example, Melbourne, Phoenix, and Manchester
>>> so far.
>>> https://www.wiki.balug.org/wiki/doku.php?id=balug:covid-19#virtual_meetings
>>> <http://email.dvlug.org/c/eJw9jsFugzAQRL_G3GoBG0g4-NCkjaIqrXIo5VgZG-xtcEzA2FG-vm4OlUYz0mhW-yRbr9YgE2S7Z5Jv-cF_XP0bgZf6Zl_fT6r-5ObnqysuPts1eNdFfbxx0chTdwjbZkoDWaWG40DVw4U1iWZtWmVl3-d9W7YAoqx6AflGZAVPKw6SJwPTzo0zgfhzHxVCoAHPSFs-LIraSf2VsYgh7Xmhox4J7FFGsMckXgrrUT5lFcnB4-QWPnybrnN4UXMyMSlmg05Hun-wX73HTT0>
>>> Complete set of international dial-in numbers for the ALE-SW Jitsi Meet
>>> session:
>>> Country     Dial-in Numbers
>>> US          +1.512.647.1431
>>> UK          +44.203.885.2179
>>> France      +
>>> Germany     +49.89.380.38719
>>> Netherlands +
>>> Spain       +34.932.205.409
>>> Canada      +1.437.538.3987
>>> Australia   +61.8.7150.1136
>>> Brazil      +55.21.3500.0112
>>> Japan       +81.3.4510.2372
>>> Switzerland +41.61.588.0496
>>> Same PIN, 3398 1769 52, is needed for any dial-in number.
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