[dvlug] apache problem - var/www/html is ignored.

Grant Bowman grantbow at gmail.com
Tue May 3 02:03:26 PDT 2011

Hello Danny,

I don't have any hands on experience with your specific setup. Do any
of these hits seem useful? In reading through them it seems how you
access /var/www/html when testing can make a big difference.


This story is a good reminder to make backups of all config files just
before you make changes and/or before installing dependencies. I often
move the originals to a .orig file name to save the date/time stamp of
the original files then make a copy to work with. I can modify without
worrying as a quick diff -u will show all my modifications.



On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 8:06 AM, Danny Idryo <didryo at gigagen.com> wrote:
> I was installing phpMyAdmin for something but didn't get the install right,
> so I started to back out of what I'd done. Since I had used yum to put
> phpMyAdmin in place, I used yum to remove it as well, and then tried to undo
> the other edits I'd done to configuration files here and there. Somehow in
> doing this, I broke my apache so that now everything in /var/www/html is
> ignored. Instead of my index.html, all I see are the default "welcome to
> apache" pages for both port 80 and 443.
> Does anyone have any idea how to revert apache to a working state?
> I can't restore to yesterday's build because this is all on a virtual server
> on Rackspace and my daily build is missing. I've logged a help request with
> them, but the last time this happened to me, the daily build returned on its
> own several days later, after I'd already given up (and a good thing, since
> it had overwritten the build I had wanted at that time).
> Anyhow, I can provide more information on request.
> Thanks!
> --Danny

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