[dvlug] Gnome Desktop folder on NFS

Dylan Reinhold dylan at ocnetworking.com
Mon Nov 22 23:18:02 PST 2010

Thanks Grant,
   I wrote a quick hack to do what I want for now. I will look into the 
real solution when I get some time.

For now, I have a program on the NFS server that watches the Desktop 
directory for changes (using kqueue on a BSD box). Once a change is made 
it creates a trigger file in another nfs folder.
The clients have scripts watching for that file, once they see the file 
they *restart* Nautilus (yes it's a big hammer) but it works.

Few things I found, you can just press [F5] and the desktop will refresh.
 > gconftool --set /apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop --type 
boolean false
 > gconftool --set /apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop --type 
boolean true
Will update the desktop, I cant get that to run from cron, just from the 


On 11/22/2010 12:39 AM, Grant Bowman wrote:
> Hi Dylan,
> That is a pretty specific question.  I haven't tried it but I bet some
> IRC in #gnome channel or Nautilus folks might be able to answer
> better, someone who has tried what you tried and/or looked at (maybe
> even written) some of the Nautilus code.  You might also try #ubuntu
> on freenode.net.
> Cheers,
> Grant
> On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 8:50 PM, Dylan Reinhold<dylan at ocnetworking.com>  wrote:
>>   I have finally setup a NFS server to try and keep down on duplicate files I
>> have on each pc.
>> So I have 2 Ubuntu ~10.xx machines that both have the Gnome Desktop folder
>> [/home/dylan/Desktop] on an NFS mount.
>> The issue is the Desktop screen does not update when files are added or
>> removed.
>> When I click on Places ->  Desktop it will rescan the folder and show the
>> most current files.
>> Anyone know if you can have Gnome reread the Desktop folder and update on a
>> schedule?
>> Any tips?
>> Thanks,
>> Dylan
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