[dvlug] Request for dvlug feedback

Norm Matloff matloff at cs.ucdavis.edu
Mon Feb 22 13:52:56 PST 2010

I'm in the same situation.

Norm Matloff

On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 01:33:44PM -0800, Mark K. Zanfardino wrote:
> I have the same issue as Dylan: Friday night is "date" night with my  
> wife (of 13 years). I've managed to make it to only one DVLUG meeting  
> and would love to come to others, but the Friday night is no good for  
> me.  If the meeting is rescheduled, or an additional periodic meeting is  
> held on another night, I'm game to give it a whirl. For my part,  
> Tuesdays and most Wednesdays are booked, but Mondays and Thursdays are  
> fairly open.  Of course, that's just me!
> Cheers!
> Mark
> Grant Bowman wrote:
>>> Harry wrote:
>>>> Hello to All.
>>>> I ditto Dylan's suggestion.
>>>> It's one thing if you're not in a committed relationship.
>>>> It's something else when you are, especially when you are married.
>>>> Friday night is a time to take off the tie, take off your shoes, and
>>>> relax
>>>> With the one that you love. It's the end of the work week.
>>>> If you keep the Friday night meetings, I will probably keep on
>>>> attending,
>>>> But less frequently.
>>>> I also think that your attendance will improve if you move it to
>>>> another week night.
>>>> My suggestion it to try it and see whether the attendance improves.
>>>> Attendance is one sure indicator that the group is successful in its
>>>> mission statements.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Harry Strout
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: dvlug-bounces at linuxmafia.com
>>>> [mailto:dvlug-bounces at linuxmafia.com] On Behalf Of Dylan Reinhold
>>>> Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2010 9:56 AM
>>>> To: Grant Bowman
>>>> Cc: dvlug at linuxmafia.com
>>>> Subject: Re: [dvlug] Request for dvlug feedback
>>>> I have been trying to make a Friday night meeting for weeks now, but
>>>> each week something has come up.
>>>> I like the idea of Mondays. As one who has never made a meet-up, I
>>>> don't
>>>> want a whole vote ;-)
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Dylan
>> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 12:19 PM, Michael Paric
>> <mparic at compbizsolutions.com> wrote:
>>> Mondays would not work for me as I have several other commissions/committees/boards that meet on regular Monday nights. While I may not make *every* Friday night, that day works best for me even though I'm in a committed relationship (having just celebrated 12 years of marriage).  Being the start of the weekend it offers the opportunity for my wife and I to do our separate activities for a couple hours in downtown WC while still having a "date" night before and after the LUG meeting.
>> Hello Dylan and Harry,
>> I welcome your participation.  No meeting date is perfect for everyone
>> and I respect you have your preferences.  If you schedule a monthly
>> Monday meeting at a venue of your choice I'll be there in addition to
>> Friday meetings if it does not conflict with other bay area Linux
>> events.  The month is full of dates and there is no reason not to have
>> additional meetings.
>> Grant
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