[conspire] 1:2.1.29-1+deb10u5? Re: upgrade-in-place to Mailman 2.1.30 and want to test Mailman3?

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Tue Mar 19 23:38:27 PDT 2024

Quoting Ron / BCLUG (admin at bclug.ca):

> Has anyone tried Micro Center?  They seem... okay? Curious to hear
> others' experiences.
> https://www.microcenter.com/

We used to have one here in the S.F. Bay Area, in Santa
Clara ("Mercado" shopping centre).  And I did get a number of good
things from there, notably a good 2GB hard drive and an excellent
external enclosure for it.  And, I believe at one point I also got an
excellent DVD drive, there.

It closed in 2012.  There are rumours of the chain opening a new store
at a different location in Santa Clara (a former Bed, Bath, & Beyond)
that hit the press nine months ago, but that hasn't yet happened.

These days, the closest Micro Center is in Tustin, California, which is
570 km from Chez Moen.  (The next closest is in Denver, Colorado.)

Cheers,                         "2021 showed up, and told 2020 'hold my beer.'"
Rick Moen                                                   -- @justinaireland
rick at linuxmafia.com
McQ! (4x80)

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