[conspire] Flashing twelves

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo mail at webthatworks.it
Tue Mar 19 19:22:25 PDT 2024

On 3/19/24 11:12 PM, Rick Moen wrote:

> Point is, an "Android + iPhone API" is not required.  HTTP 1.1 + HTML
> 3.2 works just great.

once you've a web server on your device you're so so so near to exposing 
your appliance to the net and accessing it through a webview in an app 
that manufacturers will sabotage the "web server in the appliance" and 
sell the cloud + app as a feature.

Furthermore exposing your appliance to the outside world, not 
necessarily a bad thing, may require some technical knowledge, and UPnP 
doesn't sound better than "the cloud".

The problem is they don't offer a choice. Most of the time you can't use 
an HTML interface/API over HTTP(S). You MUST use an app and the cloud.

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
https://www.webthatworks.it https://www.borgonovo.net

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