[conspire] Gandi.net is my Jedi, now (was: Customer wants to give your firm money; support won't allow me)

Michael Paoli michael.paoli at berkeley.edu
Fri Jun 28 15:41:34 PDT 2024

Okay, so, not this year,
but hopefully/probably in future.
Some time next year would be good :-)
We shall see.
Perhaps with next major version upgrade of their API
or such next year or (bit) later.

> Jun 24, 2024, 12:09 GMT+2
> Sorry for coming back to you so late;
> I've found some features request about this, and I've supported you
> request;
> Unfortunately, it's not planned for now (for this year); however the
> topic stays open. Thanks for the suggestion anyway

On Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 11:39 PM Michael Paoli
<michael.paoli at berkeley.edu> wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 8, 2024 at 2:09 AM Michael Paoli <michael.paoli at berkeley.edu> wrote:
> >
> > I'd like to see their API / web page have option, per domain,
> > to enable management via CDS and/or CDNSKEY per RFC 7344, etc.
> > ...
> > Okay, I submitted request:
> > Date: Sat, 08 Jun 2024 08:46:00 +0000
> > Subject: [GANDI] Your request 155532 was received - API & Web: feature
> > request: DNSSEC: add capability to manage via CDNSKEY/CDS records
> > I'm not expecting they'll implement it anywhere close to overnight ...
> > but perhaps by the time they roll out their next version of their API
> > back-end).  They're currently up to their API version 5.
> And yes, submitted, got response, and hopefully will be
> implemented - at least at some point in future (see further below).
> And compare that to, oh, e.g.
> registrar(s) that can't even handle updating glue records:
> https://www.wiki.balug.org/wiki/doku.php?id=system:registrars#jokercom
> Or that struggle mightily with whois data and can't even handle
> allowing one to manually renew domain(s)
> for a year without setting up autorenew:
> https://www.wiki.balug.org/wiki/doku.php?id=system:registrars#iwantmynamecom_key-systemsnet
> Or that more than a decade on, still can't have an interface that
> allows customers to set/update
> IPv6 glue records, without having to go through creating support tickets:
> https://www.wiki.balug.org/wiki/doku.php?id=system:registrars#namecheapcom
> etc, etc.
> So, yeah, best to pick registrar that doesn't suck.
> And if ever things change on that ... yeah, sometimes becomes
> time to move, e.g.:
> https://www.wiki.balug.org/wiki/doku.php?id=system:registrars#dreamhostcom
> Anyway, the response I got from Gandi on my feature request (first
> time in about a decade I've had any reason to open a support request
> with 'em ... mostly 'cause stuff "just works") ... and as far as I'm aware,
> they don't have a separate "feature request" system or the like, at least
> that I could easily spot.
> From: Gandi Customer Care <help at support.gandi.net>
> Date: Mon, Jun 10, 2024 at 8:28 AM
> Subject: [Helpdesk Gandi] 155532 : API & Web: feature request: DNSSEC:
> add capability to manage via CDNSKEY/CDS records
> To: Michael Paoli <michael.paoli at berkeley.edu>
> Thank you for contacting Gandi support, and for your interest in our
> web solutions.
> Thank you very much for this suggestion : I'll forward it to my
> colleague developer which will discuss it,
> I am at your disposal should you need any further information.
> On 2024 M06 8 08:46:00 UTC, michael.paoli at berkeley.edu wrote:
> API & Web: feature request: DNSSEC: add capability to manage via
> CDNSKEY/CDS records
> (feel free to merge with other similar requests you may have)
> In making Gandi.net yet more awesome, it'd be great to have option on
> DNSSEC for domain,
> to enable automatic management of DS records via CDNSKEY/CDS (per RFC
> 7344, RFC 8078, etc.)
> I'd imagine implementing this as a binary toggle on existing web page
> and likewise setting in the API (so customers can opt-in for that
> automation, or opt-out to only update DS via specific API or web
> action with Gandi.net).
> Furthermore on both Web page and API, I'd image also page that shows /
> function that gets the status, would also include some bit more
> information about it, e.g. text or link to text about how Gandi.net
> implements and/or other relevant information (e.g. approximately how
> frequently Gandi.net checks for and then acts upon the relevant
> CDNSKEY/CDS records).  Might even display/return some status about
> when last checked (if checked before), and (at least approximately)
> when next check would occur (see also “check now” below).
> Would also be good to have a “check now” functionality with
> CDNSKEY/CDS enabled, would tell Gandi to check “now” (or as soon as
> feasible), rather than whatever it's default periodic checks may be
> (which might be significantly longer in cycle).  For API that could be
> as simple as setting CDNSKEY/CDS checking enabled (whether it was
> already enabled or not, that wold act like a “check now”).  Web
> interface could have a simple “check now” button that would be enabled
> if CDNSKEY/CDS checking is enabled.  And, of course, “check now” would
> be reasonably rate limited, and may not be “instantaneous” - and
> relevant text (or link to such) can also reasonably explain that -
> both on web page, and also in informational return on API (e.g. an
> additional info or text field returned).
> And of course, GANDI.net, once having implemented such features, then
> also has that as an additional feature to help obtain/retain more
> customers.  :-)

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