[conspire] no audio to headphone

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Sun Jul 9 12:56:05 PDT 2023

Quoting Akkana Peck (akkana at shallowsky.com):

> At this point, now that I have pulseaudio working, I'm actually
> finding its ability to switch among different sources and sinks
> useful, since I have three possible microphones and two possible sets
> of speakers. In the pre-Zoom era, I never needed a mic, and the only
> time I needed a different speaker was once or twice when I gave a
> planetarium talk and wanted to play sounds over the HDMI link to the
> projector, and accomplishing that was fairly tricky in ALSA (it
> involved rewriting ~/.asoundrc, and once switched, it tended to drop
> the first few seconds of every sound file). Pulse is bad at guessing
> which source/sink I want to use, but it's pretty good at switching
> given the right pacmd/pactl commands.

This matches well what I near, even from articulate doubters like the
estimable Don Marti, who wrote a nice blog post some years ago about
having made his peace with Pulse Audio on similar grounds.

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