[conspire] Installing Linux on Elise Scher's Chromebook

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Sat Jul 8 02:28:53 PDT 2023

Quoting Steve Litt (slitt at troubleshooters.com):

> The preceding philosophy of not caring about your UI's (user
> interface's) innards is a luxury that's getting more and more costly
> for two reasons:
> 1) Caustic complexity
> 2) Summary and arbitrary UI change, and not always for the better

Sy, listen to my friend Steve, on this.  He's a first-class thinker, and
articulated matters I didn't even get to, in a logical and lucid way.

(But, as a GoLUG volunteer par excellence, you probably have seen this
for yourself.)

And sure, Lubuntu's a very defensible and sane choice for newcomer
desktop users -- with exactly the caveats that Steve so neatly and
efficiently summarised.

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