[conspire] Gandi SAS (Gandi.net) acquired by Total Webhosting Solutions B.V. (TWS) --> https://your.online/

Michael Paoli Michael.Paoli at cal.berkeley.edu
Mon Feb 27 19:12:28 PST 2023

On 2023-02-27 12:37, Nick Moffitt wrote:
> That said, there has been a recent twist over the past 24 hours or so:
> it seems that gandi is in a merger with a rather shifty company.  Some
> folks are pointing out that Gandi is the larger party in the purchase,
> so it's more like they're absorbing the jerks rather than being taken
> over by them, but people are sighing loudly today and wondering who
> could possibly be better than Gandi.

Uh oh ... well, ... shall see how that goes.
Hopefully they're "smart enough" to know if they fsck it up,
that Gandi.net acquisition could become about worthless
overnight - as many would just pick up and leave ...
and many of the employees from Gandi.net might also
do likewise.

So far it's been almost whisper quiet ... which likely means at least
thus far it's not been fscked up.  Poking/searching around 'bit more ...
seems relatively quiet in English (tech) news sources, ... but more
coverage/chatter in non-English (mostly European) news (and other)
sources ... at least that's what it seems to look like so far.

Looks like the press release came out 2023-02-21.

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