[conspire] Portable computers

Elise Scher elise.scher01 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 21 20:17:13 PDT 2022

Both links say sorry the page can not be found.

Elise Scher

On Wed, Sep 21, 2022 at 8:14 PM Syeed Ali <syeedali at syeedali.com> wrote:

> These two micro computers are incredibly inexpensive.  I'm guessing it's
> because the seller is new and wants sales and reviews.  I've decided to
> hold back because I should be paying off debt from my old toys instead
> of buying new ones I can't justify actually using, but perhaps some of
> you would be interested.
> https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004770832162.html
> https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004770656560.html
> These might actually be worth buying just for the SSDs.
> There are reviews out there on the net (do check Amazon) which are both
> positive and negative; do your homework.  The latter computer, with the
> serial port, would be incredible for people in the field who use
> scientific equipment, because I hear that USB-to-serial dongles are
> hit-and-miss for different equipment.
> Yes, these do Linux.
> No, they won't fit in a lot of pockets.
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