[conspire] Portable computers

Syeed Ali syeedali at syeedali.com
Wed Sep 21 20:12:34 PDT 2022

These two micro computers are incredibly inexpensive.  I'm guessing it's
because the seller is new and wants sales and reviews.  I've decided to
hold back because I should be paying off debt from my old toys instead
of buying new ones I can't justify actually using, but perhaps some of
you would be interested.


These might actually be worth buying just for the SSDs.

There are reviews out there on the net (do check Amazon) which are both
positive and negative; do your homework.  The latter computer, with the
serial port, would be incredible for people in the field who use
scientific equipment, because I hear that USB-to-serial dongles are
hit-and-miss for different equipment.

Yes, these do Linux.

No, they won't fit in a lot of pockets.

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