[conspire] CA.US COVID-19 booster shots widely available for adults as of?2021-11-18

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Fri Nov 19 15:04:32 PST 2021

Quoting Bruce Coston:

> Last I saw from my science daily type websites [ usually that's just
> aggregation at sciencex.com ] ; Side effects and lasting protection get
> bigger with subsequent shots . I'd personally recommend pfizer for
> everyone's 3rd dose . 

Possibility of maybe being tired, having a headache, maybe elevated
temperature for some part of two days is regrettable, as it sometimes
happens to some (not a high percentage of) patients.

The compensating advantage is heightened antibodies making it once 
again extremely unlikely for a long time that transmission will put you
in the hospital, and make it a near-zero chance of ending up in the ICU
or getting killed -- and the data strongly suggest Moderna's booster
does a better job of that.

Slightly increased chance of the already small chance of irksome but not
dangerous 1-2 day side effects, in exchange for significantly better 
protection against a fearsome illness.  

It's a risk/benefit calculation.  I've long held the view that most
people are really bad at those, but, for better or worse, each of us
gets to make that judgement call.  And, you're right, you aren't likely
to get advice from your personal care physician, other than to closely
paraphrase CDC's public information. 

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