[conspire] Clocks, vaccines, boosters

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo mail at webthatworks.it
Sun Nov 7 02:37:55 PST 2021

On 11/7/21 08:45, Rick Moen wrote:

> But, on the other hand, there's the risk/benefit calculation.  Let's
> say, like me, you got Moderna jab #2 back in April, a bit over six
> months ago, and you're reasonably healthy for your age.  Say you're
> offered a booster.  Well, why not?  It's safe past the objection of any
> but loons, and, worst case, you have a sore arm.  Best case, you get an
> antibody refresher course that could keep you out of the hospital.
I just had dinner with the doctor responsible for vaccinating one of the 
most densely populated area in my region (Lombardy, Italy).
His wife is a doctor as well and she works in the infectious disease 
ward. She has been a volunteer doctor in poor countries.

She has to take care of covid patients that are nearly exclusively 
no-vaxxer. She said it is professionally a pain in the arse.

Consider that in my country medical care is free, even for illegal 
immigrants and curiously most no-vaxxer have the same political profile 
of your no-vaxxer (to put it mildly conservatives, anti-immigrant, 
anti-welfare...) this makes her job even more excruciating.

No-vaxxer saying the vaccine is useless is like hearing people saying 
they are disappointed by aspirin because after taking one they had other 
headaches in their life and aspirin is way riskier than covid vaccine.

It's like dealing with children, they chose unreasonable expectations 
just to prove, mostly to themselves, they are still right.

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
https://www.webthatworks.it https://www.borgonovo.net

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