[conspire] COVID-19 "breakthrough" infections

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Tue Jun 15 16:30:45 PDT 2021

Quoting Mike Higashi (mhigashi at gmail.com):

> The January 4/11 issue of The New Yorker had a long-form (40 page) article,
> "The Plague Year", by staff writer and novelist Lawrence Wright.

(I had to temporarily disable Javascript to load a non-blank page.)

A major expansion of Wright's piece is also now available in book form:
"The Plague Year: America in the Time of COVID", by Lawrence Wright
(Knopf, 2021), 336 pages, ISBN 9780593320723.

Also, author Wright held a brief (2:23) conversation with Christine
Amanpour about the book:

> BTW, the author's most recent novel, The End of October (Knopf, 2020), is
> about a pandemic.

Obligatory Big South American River link (but support your local
independent book store; yay, Kepler's!):
Since the author of _The Hot Zone_ was willing to blurb it as a
crackerjack medical thriller, I'm willing to believe it's so.

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