[conspire] Bash -- move fast and break things

rogerchrisman at gmail.com rogerchrisman at gmail.com
Mon Jan 25 11:44:34 PST 2021

It is imaginary, the fly in the spider's eyes. Lots of eyes. Lots of
spiders. Imaginary.

Can you imagine? If you can, that is stupendous!

In which I move fast and break things. My Linux (dual boot with Win10)
has not crashed in over a week. So I have determined it is time to
break something else. A spider's got to eat.

As you know, I switched from crashing my graphics card and high res
screen driving in the open source driver to no more crashing driving
in the proprietary NVIDIA driver (it's an NVIDIA graphics card). Well,
there was one initial crash -- system freeze -- soon as I started up
after installing the NVIDIA driver. But that only happened the once.
So maybe it din't happen at all. Time shift landing.

So I screw up my courage and start weaving another web.

Is it Bash? I think it is bash, so maybe it is. How would I know? On
the webhost.

$ bash -v
oh! hm. That looks like the contents of .bashrc I made in 2013. You old crone!

Yes, break something now.

On the webhost I have cPanel. I set up an account to break things in
(that's my learning process -- I'm a one dimensional being -- have I
broken it yet? I don't know! I have! I know. I know.). I set up
another account I think of as "production" where I try to not break

It is lonely imagining I'm a spider. I'm going to ask my friends some
questions. What questions?

Well, Bash questions.

Q1: Can I step on myself myself in bash bash?

You see, I opened two terminal windows, side by side on my marvelous
big screen. I logged in (ssh) to my webhost 'break things' account
simultaneously (first one, then the other, I use Alt+Tab to switch
between working in one window while simultaneously reading my notes
and such from the other window). I bet you do that. It lets me use my
web as part of my brain. As a one dimensional being I find this

Then I noticed I had changed one of my working directory names in
terminal-window-left of a directory I had open in
terminal-window-right. The Tab-Right name was still the old name
though, that kinda didn't exist anylonger. Wow! Time travel in real

I'm using a GUI Terminal in Xubuntu called 'Terminal Emulator'. So
maybe it is only emulating time travel. Once I backed out of that
directory with '..' I saw with 'ls' that it's name was the new name
now. Few!

Q1 elabarated: Can I cause problems by logging (ssh) into webhost Bash
multiple times at once like this?

I kinda think there is only one webhost and I was just seeing a
not-yet updated view of that dir-name in terminal-window-right. I
could toy with laying a spider egg into that not yet updated
directory. But I might break it. Yes! Do! Learn!

Roger *going out for a walk in the sun now -- yea blue sky!*

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