[conspire] Something hilarious happened in Internet Security…

Don Marti dmarti at zgp.org
Sun Jan 17 08:03:41 PST 2021

begin Deirdre Saoirse quotation of Sat, Jan 16, 2021 at 03:05:19PM -0800:

> 1. They were hosted on (self-hosted) WordPress, which is written in PHP.
> 2. There are a billion zillion WordPress plugins, many of them with security issues.
> 3. Some of Parler’s indeed had major security issues.

Were they really running a 40-node Scylla cluster?


(Scylla is a scalable NoSQL database compatible with Apache Cassandra.
40 nodes is like the size of a cluster you would see at a well-known
SaaS, adtech, or streaming company).  Can't figure out what a site with
~10 million (?) users would be doing with that much capacity especially
since there is another database on their list too.

Don Marti <dmarti at zgp.org>                   

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