[conspire] [VanLUG G] Fwd: [kwlug-announce] Meeting Monday: Simplified Desktop with Xmonad, 3NWeb revisited (Jan 2021)

Howard Susman howard at scsurplus.com
Sat Jan 2 15:57:48 PST 2021


----- Forwarded message from discussion at lists.vanlug.ca -----
     Date: Sat, 2 Jan 2021 12:06:28 -0800
     From: "Ronald Barnes via Discussion" <discussion at lists.vanlug.ca>
Reply-To: "VanLUG General" <discussion at lists.vanlug.ca>
  Subject: [VanLUG G] Fwd: [kwlug-announce] Meeting Monday: Simplified  
Desktop with Xmonad, 3NWeb revisited (Jan 2021)
       To: "VanLUG Discussion" <discussion at lists.vanlug.ca>
       Cc: "Ronald Barnes" <ron at ronaldbarnes.ca>

A great way to start 2021 is to attend a (virtual) Linux User Group meeting.

KWLUG (Kitchener Waterloo LUG) is having their meeting Monday to kick  
off the new year, and everyone's welcome.

Start time is 7pm EST or 4pm PST.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [kwlug-announce] Meeting Monday: Simplified Desktop with  
Xmonad, 3NWeb revisited (Jan 2021)
Date: Sat, 2 Jan 2021 03:46:39 -0500
From: Paul Nijjar via kwlug-announce <kwlug-announce at kwlug.org>
Reply-To: kwlug-disc at kwlug.org
To: kwlug-announce at kwlug.org

Surprise! KWLUG is off to a quick start this year, because this Monday
happens to be a regular Monday and not a holiday one. As this meeting
is so close to the New Year, how about some presentations to help you
achieve your New Year's Resolutions?

For example, maybe your New Year's Resolution is to stop moving around
windows on your screen so you can see things side by side? In that
case, you should tune into Raul Suarez's presentation, where he will
tell us his journey from mundane window managers to Xmonad, which is
one in a series of tiling window managers that lay out windows for
you. Or maybe your New Year's Resolution is to ditch the gross
monstrosity that is the Bourne (Again) Shell for something a little
more 1990s? Raul has you covered there, too: as part of his desktop
simplification he switched from bash to the Fish shell, and says that
he should have made the switch years ago.
Maybe your New Year's Resolution is to self-host more things, or to
promote user privacy? Back in September 2019 Mikalai Birukou
introduced the 3NWeb project he is building, which allows you to
self-host file shares that respect user privacy, thus undermining the
giant cloudy platforms that want to suck up all of your data for their
surveillance algorithms. 3NWeb is close to being released, so Mikalai
will give us an update on the project.
In other news, we are looking for presentations for February, March,
and beyond. Some recent requests have included:

- A tour of free software for proprietary operating systems
- An overview/comparison of all-in-one packaging systems like Flatpak,
   AppImage, and Snaps
- A deep dive into syslog
- The best options for running free software phones and other hardware

Can you talk about any of these topics, or know somebody who could?
Are there other topics that you would either like to see or would like
to present? If so please get in touch.

Once again our meeting will be held online, on our BigBlueButton
instance: https://webconference.kwlug.org/room/kwlug . There will be
no passcode. We do have a phone bridge available if people need it;
contact me if you would like to use it.
This month's meeting begins at 7pm. Stay safe, and we hope to see you

- Paul

Events: https://feeds.off-topic.kwlug.org Blog: http://pnijjar.freeshell.org

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kwlug-announce at kwlug.org
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Can't make meetings? Listen to the podcast: https://kwlug.org/podcasts
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mailing list.
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