[conspire] missing rDNS for (intentionally missing) IPv6

Tim Utschig tim at tetro.net
Fri Feb 26 05:10:51 PST 2021

On Thu, Feb 25, 2021 at 06:51:51PM -0800, Rick Moen wrote:
> 3600  IN      SOA     dns101.comcast.net.  hostmaster.comcast.com. 7 7200 300 604800 3600
> So, there ya go.  I'm sure they did _something_, and congratulated
> themselves and closed the trouble ticket -- but they didn't do what I
> asked

Heh. The serial number ("7" - unfortunately not a nice YYYYMMDD##
style number) didn't change from what Michael pasted the day

On Wed, Feb 24, 2021 at 09:24:14PM -0800, Michael Paoli wrote:
> $ dig +noall +answer +nottl +multiline SOA
> IN SOA dns101.comcast.net. hostmaster.comcast.com. (
>                                 7          ; serial

Think they forgot to increment it this time and they reloaded the
server thinking they were all finished? :-)  I admit I've made
that same mistake too often.

Just cause I was curious, another of their zones also has what
looks like a "just increment the number when you edit the file"
number ("188"):

  $ dig +short -t soa @dns101.comcast.net.
  dns101.comcast.net. hostmaster.comcast.com. 188 7200 300 604800 3600

Seems like BIND, but it's a seekrit cause the version number is

  $ dig +short -c chaos -t txt version.bind. @dns101.comcast.net.
  $ dig +short -c chaos -t txt version.bind. @ns1-205.azure-dns.com.

Tim Utschig <tim at tetro.net>

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