[conspire] GMail email retention (was: [Mozilla] VPN)

Syeed Ali syeedali at syeedali.com
Fri Dec 3 11:42:54 PST 2021

On Fri, 3 Dec 2021 17:57:42 +0000 (UTC)
"paulz at ieee.org" <paulz at ieee.org> wrote:

> ... I recently read something from Google saying they help security
> by deleting emails after 90 days.  No thank you.  It is not uncommon
> to want to get in touch with someone after many months. For example,
> old college friends who I message only on special occasions. 
> Not sure how deleting old messages helps security, but it does save G
> storage space. Comments?

The only option that I'm familiar with is that if you download via POP3
it'll delete after x days.  That might have been _increased_ to 90
days.  (Unconfirmed) Disabling that is an option under the third party
access settings that are necessary to enable POP3 access.


As my own aside, 

There is legal shenanigans when they have long-term access to emails,
such that if it's stored on their end they and the US government have
some lawful access to it.  This means that simply downloading your
emails and asking politely for GMail to delete it won't mean anything
whatsoever for privacy for at least those 90 days.

If it matters, you can log into the web panel and manually empty the
trash bin to place those emails under different legal circumstances.

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