[conspire] (forw) [skeptic] Vaccines are a very good idea, except when they aren't (was: Jab)

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Wed Sep 30 23:35:01 PDT 2020

Quoting Dire Red (deirdre at deirdre.net):

> You may have heard that Trump picked Scott Atlas, a specialist in
> radiology, as his COVID-19 guy. Which is weird, right? Except he’s a
> Senior Fellow at Stanford’s whackadoodle Hoover Institute. THAT is why
> he was picked.                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

That is a depressingly common con job, carried forward into the new
decade:  All my life, I've seen resident whack jobs at Hoover
Institution promoted as being academics from 'Stanford'.  The Hoover
Institution is _not Stanford_; it's just located on the Stanford campus.

The Institution has had quite a number of respect-worthy people there,
including among many others Kerensky and Gorbachov -- but also a rather
larger number of whack-a-doodles, such as Dr. Atlas.

> And if they’re REALLY a fucktard, they send it *from* Stanford, CA
> *to* Stanford, CA from a NYC attorney. Just sayin’.

FWIW, I'm at least distantly fond of 'Stanford CA' as census-designated
place, having been born there 'n' all.  ;->

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