[conspire] (forw) The fastest vaccine development ever

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Sun Sep 20 16:01:40 PDT 2020

Quoting Josef Grosch (jgrosch at gmail.com):

> The Kennedy assignation was exactly what I was thinking. My
> Grandfather had a friend from WWII whose wife was one of those
> conspiracy nuts. She drove her husband crazy with the CIA, FBI, the
> Mob, Castro, or the Illuminati did it. Last I heard she was blaming
> it on Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

My friend Anson Kennedy of Georgia Skeptics heard a bunch of
JFK-assassination conspiracy theorising from local UFO abduction
crazies back in the '80s, so he countered with his own alternative
conspiracy theory: Kennedy was murdered by a secret cabal of UFOlogists,
who found out he was about to declassify Federal records revealing that
there was nothing interesting in all those secret government UFO files,
and didn't want their pastime to take a hit.

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