[conspire] Upgrade Xubuntu 18.04 to 20.04 reboots to black screen

rogerchrisman at gmail.com rogerchrisman at gmail.com
Mon Oct 12 10:58:19 PDT 2020

Now I’ve done it. Last night I left my dual boot desktop computer to
complete upgrading from Xubuntu 18.04 to 20.04. I had recently updated the
18.04. What could go wrong?

Now it is the next morning and the computer is stuck in black screen. No
response to Cntr+Alt+F2 or mouse or keystrokes. Power button is
illuminated. So pushed that. System appears to power down, power button and
hard disk led are dark. Waited a moment. Pushed power button again. Power
button lights up, hard disk led active for a bit. Black screen remains
black. Rinse repeat a few times. Ponder the error of my ways.

Had a similar experience once upon a time. Got back to good graces by doing
fresh install from installation cd. I’m thinking of downloading a fresh
Xubuntu 20.04 install cd on my hopefully functional ancient Acer laptop
that has a cd/dvd writer in it and doing a fresh install on the dual boot
desktop with that cd. The desktop box is dual boot with Windows 10 that has
my various photos and such.  I hope I don’t ride that over the waterfall.
Dang I had started a backup of my Windows 10 stuff to an external hard
drive recently but I think I may have neglected to give that enough time to
completely back up.

Aha, found my Bionic Beaver Xubuntu 18.04 install dvd. Maybe I can startup
with that and get past the black screen problem somehow? Without redoing
the upgrade or a fresh install? Any suggestions from those of you who have
been there and done that?

I’m a pirate—I dual boot. Arg! I fly a back screen

Roger :) typed with my thumbs!
By reading this email you acknowledge that . Z zen jj.     Now text
completion is a rafting pole amd a cataract awaits.
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