[conspire] (forw) [skeptic] Vaccines are a very good idea, except when they aren't (was: Jab)

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Thu Oct 1 01:14:11 PDT 2020

Quoting Dire Red (deirdre at deirdre.net):

> So given that the page header is “Stanford Profiles” and the next header is:
> Scott W. Atlas
> Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution
> …assuming a link didn’t seem a stretch.

Of course there are 'links'.  They're on the same piece of real estate,
for one thing.

But you seem to have ignored my point.  It's tediously common for
people (_not you_) to try to inflate the credentials of resident
Hoover Institution ideologue whack-a-doodles by referring to them as
'Stanford' academics.  Dr, Atlas is the former and appears to be not the

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