[conspire] I with I have $5000 for everyone who died of Wuhan-19
Rick Moen
rick at linuxmafia.com
Fri May 8 10:24:59 PDT 2020
Quoting Nick Moffitt (nick at zork.net):
> In 1918, a pandemic influenza virus was first documented at an army
> base in the US. It spread through the military and civilian
> population of America, Germany, France, and eventually Spain.
Deirdre says she is going to post with a link to, and to summarise, a
scientific paper she happens to have handy, on the 1918 virus's origin
having been traced to a Kansas slaughterhouse. I'm looking forward to
I'll also point out that what Ruben said on this matter (in this thread)
was entirely correct as stated, so please give him credit for that: He
said 'The rule was to name it where it first got attention, not where it
even started, hence the Spanish Flu.' Near as I can tell, that was
indeed the case in 2018, and is also in harmony with your more-detailed
account. (As I documented separately, that had for a long time
_no longer_ been true by February 2020, though.)
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