[conspire] "immunity" (COVID-19, ...) Re: Numbers racket

Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Tue May 5 15:11:00 PDT 2020

On 04May2020 05:15pm (+0000), paulz at ieee.org wrote:
> Somewhere I read about the Pilgrims beyond the making of hats from black
> paper.  It is thought by some that Indians had been living near Plymouth
> Rock, but that group/tribe/family had been killed by some pestilence.  That
> made a nice vacant place for the pilgrims to settle. Things might have been
> very different if they couldn't find a vacancy. Yes they lost some people to
> disease.  They also had losses from starvation and other causes.  

The Patuxet people had indeed all died out from a plague of some sort, almost certainly introduced by the people who had taken Tisquantum to Europe as a slave.  When he returned on the Mayflower and led them around the ruins, he showed them all of the grown-over farms his people had once tended.

The accounts from the Mayflower settlers back to Europe told of a wonderland where the wilderness grows like orderly food-gardens.  These tales spread and grew in scope to the point where people wrote that pigs run around with forks already in their backs so you can take a bite at your leisure.

But really, it was just a bunch of people not seeing the ruins of urban farm communities for what they once were.

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