[conspire] A primer on various levels of ventilation

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Tue Mar 31 14:20:01 PDT 2020

Quoting Dire Red (deirdre at deirdre.net):

> My friend Cassie is an ICU RN and wrote a shorter version of this on
> Twitter, and this is the longer expanded version she wrote for her
> mailing list. But this should help with vocabulary or if you want to
> understand whether or not to contribute to that open source project on
> developing that next great whoosiwhatzit.
> https://mailchi.mp/260623cb7dfb/cassie-rn-explains-ventilators-in-laymens-terms

High recommendation, in that it explains in functional detail exactly
what goes on with the several types of breathing assistance, and what
exactly SARS-CoV-2 does to lungs (in severe cases).

And if the clinical description of suffocating to death during severe
infection, on account of there being not enough lung function to keep
you alive even with 100% oxgen on a respirator, isn't enough to get a
reader (of Cassie's account) to take this threat super-seriously, then I
can only say the reader has no imagination.

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