[conspire] A primer on various levels of ventilation

Deirdre Saoirse Moen deirdre at deirdre.net
Tue Mar 31 13:47:57 PDT 2020

My friend Cassie is an ICU RN and wrote a shorter version of this on Twitter, and this is the longer expanded version she wrote for her mailing list. But this should help with vocabulary or if you want to understand whether or not to contribute to that open source project on developing that next great whoosiwhatzit.


Things I didn’t know that TIL: surfactants are one of the issues in preemie birth lung development.

I have twice had to have that ring and paralysis done to me in order to have thyroid surgery, btw, because it was done to protect my throat (from collapsing) during thyroid removal surgery. Twice because I had it done in two halves.


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