[conspire] Known unknowns, unknown unknowns (was: Correction)

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Mon Mar 30 12:55:21 PDT 2020

[Subject header super-belatedly fixed.  Nod therein is to D. Rumsfeld, 2004:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiPe1OiKQuk ]

Quoting Texx (texxgadget at gmail.com):

> I dont think we are going to GET accurate numbers, but its nice to see the
> press agree that the current ones are useless.

Seems to me, what would finally change this is provisioning of ample 
testing kits nationwide (plus lab capacity to evaluate them, for kits
requiring that), along with revisions to hospital / county /
city / state / other policies too-severely restricting their

To unwind that, there are horror stories from just about everywhere
about persons with probable COVID-19 symptoms and their doctors being
prevented from getting authorisation to use a testing kit, and it's also
rather likely that many COVID-19 deaths are being misattributed to other
causes for _lack_ of such testing.  The policies regulating kit release 
are no longer the CDC or FDA's fault, but in many cases originated in the
former CDC and FDA guidelines.

But going from inappropriate over-regulation to Wild West non-regulation 
(as has recently been done) also creates problems.


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