[conspire] Panic buying

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Tue Mar 24 14:47:01 PDT 2020

Quoting Texx (texxgadget at gmail.com):

> If you get time, catch todays "Fresh Air" on PBS.
> Its entertaining.
> Apparently Mel Brooks son Max writes Zombie novels and is now a regular
> speaker at the War College.
> For a zombie writer, he is both entertaining and seems to have his feet
> grounded.

Dude, you didn't read _World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War_?
You're a science fiction fan, and you're only now hearing about Brooks's
breakout novel, 14 years later?

It's a good book -- not awards material, but worth your time.  

I would personally ignore the 2013 Brad Pitt movie that was (in the end)
based very loosely on Brooks's book.  If they'd kept the original
adapatation script by JMS, it might have been great, but Paramount threw
his script out and had a from-scratch rewrite done by some mediocre hack.

> Anybody remember the old days when you pushed an elevator call button and
> the first thing you hears was the scream of the
> rotary converter in the basement coming up to speed before the main
> traction motor came on line?

No, Grandpa.  What was that like?  ;->

> Regarding the "click bait", I dared hope that someone would be able to
> tell me this was a hoax and asuage my fears.  This group is often
> better than Snopes.

_No._  Once again and still, _no_.

Please don't motivate me to haul out the big hammer, Texx.  You are not
to use this mailing list as a sounding board for random blithering crap
off the Internet.  CABAL is not to be used as a Snopes substitute.

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