[conspire] Correction

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Tue Mar 24 10:34:32 PDT 2020

Quoting Nick Moffitt (nick at zork.net):

> The confirmed cases metric is really hamstrung by our inconsistent
> testing regimen.  I don't trust those numbers, and agree they're only
> useful for comparing rate of change against the deaths figures (which
> are more accurately recorded, even if post-mortem testing is also
> questionable).

That's my cue to tell my very favourite ex-Soviet Russia joke:

'Here in Russia, our superior social organisation and efficient
system has almost completely defeated the coronavirus pandemic.
We've had only five confirmed cases -- and 530 deaths.'

> The Financial Times here in London (I tend to cycle past their offices
> between my office and Borough Market to get lunch/coffee grounds) have
> finally opened up their data analysis page to the public without
> paywall:
> 	https://www.ft.com/coronavirus-latest

Hmm, thanks.
> They changed the dashed lines to no longer show the "33% increase in
> deaths per day" to marking out doubling times in days, which is a more
> useful set of landmarks.
> The stars on those graphs also indicate when a nation called an
> official lockdown/quarantine order.  The UK, like NZ, announced a few
> days in advance: we don't have anything taking legal effect until
> Friday.

Yes, I spoke far too soon when I optimistically said that the Imperial
College London report had caused the Tories to burn rubber reversing
their existing 'herd immunity' policy.  It would be more accurate to say
that it started them ambling slowly towards doing so.

Cheers,                                "Rand Paul being patient zero for a Senate 
Rick Moen                               viral outbreak is a sign of a writers' room 
rick at linuxmafia.com                     dropping too much acid, late in the season."
McQ! (4x80)                                           -- @owillis (Oliver Willis)

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