[conspire] Party with iproute2 like it's 1999

Ruben Safir ruben at mrbrklyn.com
Wed Mar 11 15:20:03 PDT 2020

On 3/11/20 6:18 PM, Rick Moen wrote:
> Quoting Ruben Safir (ruben at mrbrklyn.com):
>> But netoools sucks and it works like it was written by a bureaucrat.
> I believe you mean _iproute2_ sucks and works as if it were written by a
> bureaucrat.  (Am guessing you intended the subjunctive tense rather than
> the past tense, but that's a minor detail.)
>> ss is particuarly crap.  I know this changes nothing, it is is crap.
>> so is IP6 for that matter.
> I'd really _prefer_ that people hold their tantrums while in the shower,
> rather than on this mailing list, but I hope you now feel better.  ;->

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that Brooklyn, like Atlantis, reaches mythological
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