[conspire] Public Surveys

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Mon Jun 8 16:26:59 PDT 2020

Quoting Ruben Safir (ruben at mrbrklyn.com):

> We ran that experiment.  You solution failed.  A bigger and badder
> police force dedicated to the problem won, and equal application of the
> law to all won.

Things like then-Police Commissioner William Bratton's Stop-and-Frisk
policy weren't equal applications of the law to all, by a country mile
(not to mention that the policy was extralegal and banned when it
finally got reviewed by the courts).

So, pull the other one.

Yes, I know you don't accept the above and would like to bloviate at
enormous length about why I'm wrong and why Stop-and-Frisk was lawful,
just, and The Right Thing.  Don't.  Just don't.

> Don't insult my real living experience because [...]

Objection.  You are committing the wearyingly familiar conceptual error
of confusing a map with a territory.  Inevitably whenever people
breast-beat about their 'lived experience' (or variant words like
yours), what they really mean is their third-level abstractions about,
after the fact observations concerning, and inevitably selective
recollection about their lived experience.  Memory is not a camera, and
thoughts about memory most definitely aren't.

I hereby sentence you to watch Kurosawa's 1950 classic film 'Rashômon',
and then read S.I. Hayakawa's popular introduction to General Semantics, 
_Language in Thought and Action_.

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