[conspire] Public Surveys

Ruben Safir ruben at mrbrklyn.com
Mon Jun 8 14:28:05 PDT 2020

> “these communities”

That is right.  THESE communities.

You know them, strangly enough, even on the West Coast.  

Flatbush, Morrisna, the South Bronx, 
Brownsville, East New York, Washington
Heights, Harlem (even after "gentification"), Jamacia,  
The South Bronx, etc.

These mostly American Black, and not really the West Indian Blacks, BTW,
which are really a whole different culture, which 30 years ago was
leveled to rubble and has thousands of murders a year.  After a
prolonged effort to push aside institutionalized racism, they
communities were policed, largely disarmed, and given a new life.
And out of those ashes, areas like Pitkin Avenue, which as NOTHING by
burned out store fronts selling Herion through gates, got a new life and
today are vibrant shopping districts, where there is home ownership.

And when these neighborhoods teeter back onto themselves, which is what
is happening NOW, all these little protesting hispters are going to flee
back to Ohio and Michigan, where they came from, or maybe move to the
suburbs, leaving an underfunded urban center all but dead and bankrupt,
a complete rehash of the 1960's and 1970's.

So Mazal Tov for the Survey.  It doesn't mean a darn thing.

> Please keep your racism to yourself. Slow genocide is not the answer, and that’s what’s happening now.
> You sound like you’re taking notes from Rosenberg.
> > I can guarantee you that you never remotely experienced the kind of
> > bitter violence and hatred that we exoereinced in East New York and
> > Canarsie... not even in Oakland.
> It happens everywhere, Ruben. It just mostly doesn’t happen TO white people.
> Deirdre
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So many immigrant groups have swept through our town
that Brooklyn, like Atlantis, reaches mythological
proportions in the mind of the world - RI Safir 1998

DRM is THEFT - We are the STAKEHOLDERS - RI Safir 2002
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Being so tracked is for FARM ANIMALS and extermination camps, 
but incompatible with living as a free human being. -RI Safir 2013

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