[conspire] Federales in Portland?

Ruben Safir ruben at mrbrklyn.com
Wed Jul 22 12:39:31 PDT 2020

> The city of Portland took the required law enforcement action.  This
> other bullshit is not about law enforcement at all,  In fact, 
> _it isn't law_.

The city of Portland is not to be trusted.

> This is yet more lawlessness from the incompetent, senile crimelord.
> The dishonest _National Review_ 

No but the Atlantic is honest and a centerlist rag...

And the BBC is also lieing about the violence.

Despite your rush to judge, I will wait to see how this plays out in the

> (but I repeat myself) article you cite
> said 'If mayors do nothing to stop anarchists from tearing down Federal
> monuments or from defacing, vandalizing, and attempting to burn down
> Federal buildings, the Feds have every right to dispatch teams of agents
> to restore order.'  Well, first of all, Portland didn't 'do nothing'.
> Second, there wouldn't be as big a problem if the unmarked squads of
> Federal goons _were_ limiting their action to protecting Federal
> property and Federal interests -- although here in America it's very
> much not OK to have armed goons without insignia or badges driving
> around in unmarked cars and grabbing citizens off the street and holding
> them without probable cause and against the law.
> The _real_ problem is that this deployment is a massive Constitutional
> violation.

In your opinion.

> It's completely legitimate for the President to deploy Federal forces to
> protect Federal property and enforce Federal law.  Anyone who knows US
> history can count off many legitimate examples, e.g.:
> o  Obama sent US Marshals and FBI agents to confront Cliven Bundy
>    in 2014 when he attempted to steal by force a large amount of 
>    land from the US government.
>    https://www.vox.com/2014/8/14/18080508/nevada-rancher-cliven-bundy-explained
> o  Eisenhower sent the 101st Airborne to Little Rock, AR to enforce
>    Federal law after that state defied the authority of the US Supreme 
>    Court.
> o  Lincoln sent Federal troops to suppress the secession of the
>    Confederate states based on the argument that he must enforce Federal
>    law and protect Federal property, starting with Fort Sumter.

Shays rebellion...

> The limits of such Federal property and interests are nakedly clear:  It's
> 18 specific powers, listed in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution.
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Article_One_of_the_United_States_Constitution#Section_8:_Powers_of_Congress
> And that's _it_.  If there's a USA problem not covered by those 18,
> then the Feds have no authority concerning it.  That's the law, bucko.

I am a short fingered bunko to you pally..

> Of course, the Toddler didn't read the Constitution, because he doesn't
> read _anything_, and has (as I mentioned) asserted that article II means
> that 'I can do anything I want'.
> And, frankly, Ruben, you've proven repeatedly that you don't believe in
> the rule of law either.
> In Portland, no Federal property has been jeopardized by any failure of
> state or local police.  As for the enforcement of Federal law, that is
> restricted to crimes affecting state commerce and specifically
> enumerated in Federal law or in the Constitution. That does not include
> ordinary criminal investigation or the policing of the streets.  It
> certainly does not include the exercise of protected constitutional
> rights.  Like walking on the streets of one's city, and not expecting to
> be scooped up by armed Federal goons without legal justification and
> with deliberaely no records kept.
> It follows that it is unconstitutional and unlawful for DHS officers to
> enforce non-Federal law unless they are deputized by state or local
> officials -- not the President -- to do so.  And Portland officials, far
> from making the DHS officers into deputies, have instead publicly
> expressed their outrage at the officers’ presence and demanded their
> removal.
> Oregon is filing lawsuit and requesting a TRO, as is appropriate.
> Personally, I am of the opinion that they should also surround the goon
> squads, arrest and disarm them, and prosecute them for conducting false
> arrests.  Bag and tag those suckers.
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