[conspire] Federales in Portland?

Josef Grosch jgrosch at gmail.com
Mon Jul 20 12:37:06 PDT 2020

On 7/20/20 4:34 AM, Rick Moen wrote:
> Forgot to mention:  Suddenly, there's also an FAA order closing Portland
> airspace down to 1000 feet, for oddly unspecified 'national security' reasons.
> Totally, purely coincidental that this prevents news helicopters from
> seeing and being able to document abusive behaviour by anonymous alleged
> Federal peace officers without insignia or badges, going around doing
> pretty clearly illegal things using unmarked cars.   Couldn't
> _posssibly_ be the reason.  Because the Feds are our friends.
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It looks to me like we are heading into Pinochet territory. For those 
who did not get the reference, and I wonder where the hell have you 
been, look up Operation Condor on Wikipedia.

What I wan to know is where are all those second amendment types, you 
know, the guys who have been screaming for last 30 years that they NEED 
their guns to protect us from a tyrannical government taking away our 
rights. WACO ! RUBY RIDGE ! Where are they? Where is the NRA? Those 
commies over at the ACLU filed a lawsuit over the weekend. The 
tyrannical government taking away our rights is here, now, in Portland. 
Where are the 2A guys?

Their silence is deafening and speaks volumes.


Josef Grosch            | Another day closer |
jgrosch at MooseRiver.com  | to Redwood Heaven  | Berkeley, Ca.

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