[conspire] Federales in Portland?

Ruben Safir ruben at mrbrklyn.com
Mon Jul 20 07:33:11 PDT 2020

When I read this initially, I made a consciousess decision NOT to
comment on it, althought, the initial post was so ripe for critism,
seperate from any issue that was being raised.

But now you leave me with one particular aspect that is too delicious
not to comment on.  With regard to the balence of police power between
the Fdederal and State governments, I am not amused by the back and
forth that people take positions upon this depending on if the issue
folds into there political prespective.  Clearly the left wants federal
intervention when it comes to matters of civil rghts enforcement, and
poverty programs, but not when it comes to enforcing drug laws and
illegal alien laws.  But I don't really want to argue about that either,
although we can wingding that topic for another month.

Instead. let me just remiond everyone of this wonder art imitates life
or something like this -- see below

On Mon, Jul 20, 2020 at 04:28:41AM -0700, Rick Moen wrote:
> Quoting Paul Zander (paulz at ieee.org):
> > A phone call from Portland alerted me to some heavy handed activity by
> > people who are most likely federal officers in unmarked cars and
> > uniforms with no insignia detaining people.  The people were never
> > told who the agents were or why they were being detained.  One man was
> > not told what was happening until he was released outside of the
> > federal courthouse.
> And worse things.  Another such detainees friends were told by the
> unidentified men in cammo uniforms stuffing the detainee into an
> unmarked car that, if they followed the car, they would be shot.
> It's a little unclear (at least to me) which laws are being violated by 
> having alleged peace officers conducting detentions without any evident
> probable cause, refusing to identify themselves, having no badges or
> insignia, and driving unmarked cars -- but, if your police officers
> _literally_ cannot in any way be distinguished from kidnappers, and
> cannot be held accountable for anythng because there's deliberately no
> record of who they were and what they did, then your country has a
> problem.
> Back fifty years ago, we didn't need to have specific fundamental laws
> to the effect of 'Never be observed to be relying on Gestapo tactics for
> your police forces', because the memory was still fresh.  But now, DHS
> and their boss the short-fingered vulgarian seem to be actively _trying_
> to get the citizenry to decide that the Feds are an alien, enemy
> faction.  This goes beyond merely reckless and dangerous.  It's
> (oonstructively) enemy action against state and local governments and
> the American people.


	Snyder stands in the middle of a dusty old machine room,
	surrounded by four or five Federal Agents.  Visible around
	the room are several folding cots and portable lockers.  The
	agents have obviously been quartered here temporarily.  They
	all wear white skimmers, save for one, a portly man, Captain
	Polk, who paces the room smoking.  There is something long-
	suffering about him, as if he wondered how he ever got in a
	service that thought white skimmers were classy.

			What is this?  I got work to do.

			Sit down and shut up, will ya.  Try
			not to live up to all my
				(not in the mood to
				screw around)
			We were told you know a hustle
			artist named Johnny Hooker.

	Snyder doesn't answer.

			Do ya know him or don't ya?

			Yeh, but I don't know where he is.

			Well we do.  He's chummin' around
			with a Big C named Henry Gondorff.
			Ring any bells?

			Sure.  Every bunco man in the
			country knows Gondorff.

			There's word he's gonna run a con
			on the North Side here.  We got a
			year-old Florida warrant on him,
			but it's a thin beef, and he can
			beat it in court unless we catch
			him cold.  All we want you to do is
			pick up Hooker for us.

			Why don't you pick him up yourself?

			Cause the stoolies are used to
			street dicks jumpin' him.  If word
			gets around that Feds are in on it
			too, Gondorff'll fold up the whole

			Wouldn't that be too bad.  You'd
			hafta move outa this nice office ya

			Don't crack wise to me, flatfoot.
			I spent a lotta time in dumps like
			this, eatin' Gondorff's dust while
			the bunco squad gets rich tippin'
			him off.  But it's not gonna happen
			this time.  We're not even gonna
			let the police know we're here.  If
			you keep your mouth shut and do a
			job, there'll be a promotion in it
			for ya.  And you better take it,
			cause I can make ya work for us
			without it.

			What the hell good is Hooker to ya?

			He's gonna set up Gondorff for us.

			He'll never do it.

			I think he will.

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