[conspire] Update for BALE

tom r lopes tomrlopes at gmail.com
Sat Jan 25 14:46:29 PST 2020

Yes, the Berkeley Pi Meeting is an ongoing thing.

First Sunday of the month at Cafe Blue Door, 2244 Bancroft Ave Berkeley 11
am to 2 pm.

I usually post the notice on the BerkeleyLUG mailing list early in the week
of the next meeting.  Sometimes we will have a meeting off schedule and
those I have called "One Off Pi Day"  For example March 14th 3.14 ( aka the
number Π) is a Saturday and there will likely be an event then.  (Which is
close to the birth of the Raspberry Pi and the Arduino - Raspberry Pi Jam
is on Feb 29 and Arduino day is March 21)

It is a non structured meeting.  Not exclusive to the Pi computer, we like
to do things in the Linux, Maker vein.  But we are in a shared public
space, so that places limits.

I try to suggest a theme or challenge each meeting.  So next one on Feb 2,
i think it will be "build your own router"   Like:


or wireless router:


So I will be bringing along a Chromebox (
https://www.asus.com/Chrome-Devices/Chromebox/ProductPrint/) which is like
a NUC that runs ChromeOS and try to make it into a router.

Chrome devices have a Google modified Coreboot firmware and can be flashed
to a more standard Coreboot (mrchromebox.tech) which can then boot Linux.

One problem is the Asus chromebox has only one ethernet port.  At BaLUG
Rick pointed out you can do routing on the single port, but i would like to
have a second interface.  One thought is to attach a USB 3.0 ethernet (for
the WAN side).  Or attach an ethernet card to the mini pcie (yes they do
exist) which means you would lose the wireless card.
If you have M.2 with pcie lanes maybe you could get a card to work there.

Well there it is.  I'll ask Michael if he could include it in the
BerkeleyLUG events.

Let me know if you have questions, Thomas

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com>
> To: conspire at linuxmafia.com
> Cc:
> Bcc:
> Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2020 23:47:58 -0800
> Subject: Re: [conspire] Update for BALE
> Quoting Michael Paoli (Michael.Paoli at cal.berkeley.edu):
> > Pi Day ... not "python gathering".  Read the (relevant) list posts,
> > etc.  https://berkeleylug.com/
> As of this evening, I now have regained the ability to do semi-casual
> edits / additions / deletions to BALE.  (I locally compiled a set of
> current PHP source code, after noting that the PHP interpreter includes
> an internal Web server.  Whenever I want to do BALE edits, I can start
> an instance of /usr/local/bin/php from the command line, telling it to
> bind to a high-numbered port, and pre-position a copy of Adminer as
> ./index.php .)
> After that work, I've just done a few hours catching up on BALE
> maintenance, which isn't yet rolled out to the static HTML, but is
> updated in the MySQL tables awaiting rollout.  And, before doing so, I
> went back looking for 'BALE update' mails, and found among others this
> one.  So, BerkeleyLUG Pi Days.  List on BALE as a regular recurring
> event?
> Normally, I would expect a recurring LUG event to have a Web page, but
> there isn't one on berkeleylug.com or elsewhere for Pi Day events.  They
> get announced by Thomas on the BerkeleyLUG Google Group, like this:
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/berkeleylug/d6d-ZL2iQsA  So, I
> ask myself, is there at least a regular date formula?  No, there isn't.
> (But also see revisiting this issue, below.)  So, basically, I can't
> template event entries for these events in the database at all.
> Which leaves:  Add individual Pi Days as one-off events to BALE as
> Thomas declares them on the BerkeleyLUG Google Group.  (This requires
> using Adminer to add a new row to the Events MySQL table, then running
> '/usr/bin/php5 /var/www/bale/index.inc > /var/www/bale/index.html' to
> regenerate the flat HTML page served to the public.
> I could do that.  There are no Pi Days currently scheduled, but we'll
> see how that works out when Thomas declares them.
> Texx wrote:
> >> First sunday of the month from noon to 3pm at the blue Door Cafe 2244
> >> Bancroft Berkeley.
> Is it, though?  Where is that written?
> I see in archives of the BerkeleyLUG Google Group that they've tended
> during 2019 to be 1st Sundays, except for the One-off Pi Day and for
> months when there was none -- but I'm a bit unclear on the plans.
> (Suggestion:  If it _is_ going to be a regular event, be it of
> BerkeleyLUG or a loosely related SIG, it would be really nice if there
> were a Web page for reference.)
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