[conspire] Two IoT Things, One Alarming

Deirdre Saoirse Moen deirdre at deirdre.net
Wed Jan 22 15:14:59 PST 2020

First, IoT product maker Sonos says that if you don’t buy newer products of theirs, their products are going to stamp their feet and refuse to update.

“If modern products remain connected to legacy products after May, they also will not receive software updates and new features.”

https://twitter.com/p0welly/status/1219692615748280320 <https://twitter.com/p0welly/status/1219692615748280320>

Second, the funny one: Trend Micro blocked their own website, labeling it a dangerous site:

https://www.reddit.com/r/softwaregore/comments/esdqzf/trend_micro_device_security_thingy_blocked_thier/ <https://www.reddit.com/r/softwaregore/comments/esdqzf/trend_micro_device_security_thingy_blocked_thier/>

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