[conspire] Wondering if Debian has any emulator for Android applications?

Peter Knaggs peter.knaggs at gmail.com
Mon Jan 13 14:00:36 PST 2020

Hi Leo,

Thanks for sending that link (
https://mashtips.com/use-whatsapp-without-sim-phone-number), it had the
idea of using the google voice number to activate WhatsApp, I tried it out
using Android Studio as you suggested and it does work (at least for SMS
text chatting, it didn't seem to be able to initiate a phone call).

The steps I used to get Android Studio installed on Debian 10 are pasted
below, it was quite a long download.


sudo apt-get install openjdk-11-jdk
dpkg --add-architecture i386
apt-get update
apt-get install libstdc++6:i386 libgcc1:i386 zlib1g:i386 libncurses5:i386
sudo apt -y install qemu-kvm libvirt-daemon  bridge-utils virtinst
sudo modprobe vhost_net
sudo apt -y install virt-top libguestfs-tools libosinfo-bin  qemu-system
sudo apt -y install cpu-checker

Downloaded this file: android-studio-ide-191.6010548-linux.tar.gz
from https://developer.android.com/studio (739MB !)

tar zxvf ~Downloads/android-studio-ide-191.6010548-linux.tar.gz

cat ~/android-studio/Install-Linux-tar.txt

  cd ~/android-studio && ./studio.sh

Choose "Start a new Android Studio Project"

Click on the icon that looks like a vertical rectangular cellphone with
a green alien below in front of it: the tooltip is "AVD Manager". Set it up
like this:
  Create Virtual Device
  Click on Q (it downloads about 1GB more!)

Then launch the emulator by clicking in the "AVD Manager" on the "play"
button (triangle),
which brings up a virtual smartphone. Don't switch between virtual desktops
when using
the emulator, as it seems to mess up the mouse input (I get this strange
line with two
circles connected to it, but input is no longer working). You can then
install Android
applications as usual from the Google Play store, in particular WhatsApp
can be
installed. It'll ask for a phone number, and you can give it your google
voice number,
and it'll send an authorization code to your gmail account which you can
then enter
to activate the WhatsApp software. Pretty convoluted, it's surprising they
don't offer
any simple web interface for those who don't want to use a smartphone.

On Mon, Jan 13, 2020 at 11:52 AM Leo P <yaconsult at gmail.com> wrote:

> I did a search and came across this:
> https://mashtips.com/use-whatsapp-without-sim-phone-number/
> Leo
> On Mon, Jan 13, 2020 at 11:43 AM Leo P <yaconsult at gmail.com> wrote:
>> The Android Emulator is included with Android Studio.
>> SDK Tools release notes
>> Android SDK Tools is a component for the Android SDK. It includes the
>> complete set of development and debugging tools for Android. It is included
>> with Android Studio.
>> https://developer.android.com/studio/releases/emulator
>> You can download Android Studio for all operating systems here:
>> https://developer.android.com/studio
>> While most Linux distributions will package some utilities for
>> communication with android devices - android-tools in the case of fedora
>> provides fastboot and adb - the android SDK comes directly from google and
>> does include an emulator.
>> Leo
>> On Mon, Jan 13, 2020 at 10:40 AM Peter Knaggs <peter.knaggs at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I was wondering does Debian have any emulator that could run an Android
>>> application such as Facebook's "WhatsApp" messenger?
>>> I guess this might sound like a strange question, but given that I won't
>>> be buying any smartphone, but I do have internet access, I was wondering if
>>> emulation was a possibility.
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