[conspire] When to get a covid test, brains, and a weird case, and a cardiology vs. immunology joke

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Fri Aug 7 04:09:42 PDT 2020

Quoting Ruben Safir (ruben at mrbrklyn.com):

> New Zealand hasn't done anything other than turn itself into a bubble.

New Zealand showed the rest of the world how to do it right.

Gosh, you don't wish to acknowledge that, and by _incredible_
coincidence, you are a diehard supporter of the total-failure, 
illiterate, senile, corrupt crimelord camping out in the Oval Office and
standing in the way of somebody, anybody, actually being President.

How staggeringly unlikely!  Who knew?

> Your suggesting the disease will just fade away if you wait it out.

This is _nothing_ like what I said.

> Aviva Zeltzer is probably against Trump as well, but she is not
> talking to me, so it is just as well.

What specifically does Ms. Aviva Zeltzer do for a living, by the way?
Is she a physician?  An epidemiologist?  

She seems extremely eager to try to hurl her alleged yet incredibly
vague professional credentials aggressively into the face of anyone who
says something she doesn't like, and consistently refuses to say what
her job role is, nor what professional status justifies the notion that
others should take what she says seriously just on faith.

Nor was she, during many conversations, willing to say anything else
relevant to her alleged qualifications, not even her surname.  So, thank
you for that much.

The Internet knows about a 'Aviva Zeltzer-Zubida' in Brooklyn, but she's
a sociologist.

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