[conspire] When to get a covid test, brains, and a weird case, and a cardiology vs. immunology joke

Deirdre Saoirse Moen deirdre at deirdre.net
Fri Aug 7 01:31:33 PDT 2020

On Aug 7, 2020, at 1:05 AM, Ruben Safir <ruben at mrbrklyn.com> wrote:
> I flat out don't trust anything out of china.
> Do you really think they have contained WUHAN-19?  Even the inhuman,
> brutal, and dangerous communist government of China is incapable of this.

Yes, they really did contain SARS-CoV-2; stop using the racist asshat name for it.

They did it by starting in MID-JANUARY. They did it by locking down people’s movement to single city blocks. They did it by relocating people close to essential jobs (like my friend). They did it by building hospitals and isolating all positive cases.

We can’t even get people to wear masks for fuck’s sake.

We waited for it to double 60 times before lifting a finger, then we’re still barely lifting a finger, then der fuhrer said “it is what it is.” Because he can’t be bothered to actually save anyone’s life. Speaking of, the Honest Government Ad….


Also, it’s perfectly fine to have brutal racism at home, so long as it’s against people you don’t like, right?

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