[conspire] slovenly writing (punctuation, capitalization, ...)

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo ivan at webthatworks.it
Sun Apr 19 06:09:01 PDT 2020

On 4/17/20 9:18 PM, Rick Moen wrote:
> Quoting Nick Moffitt (nick at zork.net):
>> I would argue that if it is that difficult for you to read, then
>> perhaps you have a reading comprehension problem of some sort.
> Distinguo:  Personally (and not speaking for Michael, to whom you
> replied directly), I wasn't saying things like 'dont' and 'tv' are
> difficult to read, just annoying and suggestive of the poster not caring
> to write with _even_ the degree of care that is low-normal on mailing
> lists.
> Obviously, nobody is expected to write perfect sonnet-like compositions
> for mailing lists.  It'd be too damned much work, for starters.
> However, there are degrees to these things, and very often not caring
> about such details of writing correlates strongly with not caring about
> details of thinking -- e.g., a history of posting drivel to a mailing
> list so that other people will serve free of charge as the poster's
> 'Snopes' and debunk it, outsourcing the job of thinking.

Most of the times if you are reading/listening, the cumulative value of 
the communication is higher than the effort to understand.
The quality of the communication is just one among many more important 
aspect you evaluate to consider the communication worth to be taken care of.

The threshold where the effort of extra processing has a real impact on 
the overall value of a communication is generally very high.
Not to mention aesthetic friction that seems to be a harder grievance to 

It is a signal but it has to be evaluated in context, in time and in my 
experience it has a very low correlation with overall value of 
communication once you get out of your cultural bubble.

Simply because many irrelevant aspects exert a selective effect just 
inside of the bubble but are really marginal on overall value of 
communication to cause evolutionary pressure.

People like to feel superior even for things they do not have any 
particular merit or prefer to just readjust sane priority on skills, 
nonetheless, sometimes you speak with them too.
And that'd be more annoying than a misspelling error.

It's just a matter of making these choices more consciously and 
rationally, then proceed with habit and periodic reevaluation.

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
https://www.webthatworks.it https://www.borgonovo.net

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