[conspire] slovenly writing (punctuation, capitalization, ...) (was: Re: Fade and open Neutrals)

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Fri Apr 17 12:18:22 PDT 2020

Quoting Nick Moffitt (nick at zork.net):

> I would argue that if it is that difficult for you to read, then
> perhaps you have a reading comprehension problem of some sort.

Distinguo:  Personally (and not speaking for Michael, to whom you
replied directly), I wasn't saying things like 'dont' and 'tv' are
difficult to read, just annoying and suggestive of the poster not caring
to write with _even_ the degree of care that is low-normal on mailing

Obviously, nobody is expected to write perfect sonnet-like compositions
for mailing lists.  It'd be too damned much work, for starters.
However, there are degrees to these things, and very often not caring
about such details of writing correlates strongly with not caring about
details of thinking -- e.g., a history of posting drivel to a mailing
list so that other people will serve free of charge as the poster's
'Snopes' and debunk it, outsourcing the job of thinking.

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