[conspire] That costs extra

Tony Godshall togo at of.net
Wed Mar 27 15:52:47 PDT 2019

> > This needs to be a near bankrupting experience for Boeing, and it
> > should badly wound the stockholders.
> Funny thing you should mention that.  One of my favourit people on the
> Skeptic mailing list, Eleanor Schechter, observed, this morning:
>   It seems that most investing people still think this will all go away
>   and the outlook will be sunny for Boeing (which just snagged a
>   $4-billion from the navy).

> Most of that duplicates/confirms points I made yesterday, but you'll
> notice it adds more and additionally damning details (like that third
> bullet item, which is eyebrow-raising).  Just when you think all of the
> skullduggery has been exposed to sunlight, some more emerges.

Wow.  Too big to fail and all that.  When there are just two major
passenger aircraft manufacturers in the world and only one is American,
I would cynically expect the American regulator to gut them too much


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