[conspire] (forw) HaveIBeenPwned.com (was: Safer Browsing)

Texx texxgadget at gmail.com
Sun Mar 24 21:21:06 PDT 2019

On Fri, Mar 15, 2019 at 10:50 PM Texx <texxgadget at gmail.com> wrote:

> Good timing on this thread.
> Good points as well.
> Recruiters now insist on month & day but not year of birth and last 4
> digits of SSN.
> Some end clients were demanding last FIVE digits.
> I lost count how many recruiters called about jobs at ATT that I had to
> decline simply because it was too many digits of my SSN.
> I finally chose an arbitrary 4 digits and rattle that off.
> It not that I distrust (perhaps I SHOULD...) ATT with a fragment of my
> SSN, its more that I distrust "Gupta" who is masquerading as "John Smith"
> and his
> Company that is pretending to be in New Jersey, and using rented DID
> trunks.
> Quite bluntly, Im embarassed for not thinking of using a fictitious birth
> date as well.
> I think Ill start using April 1.
> I still have my account on one of the last of the Usenet nodes.
> While i used to read mail with "elm" Ive recently had to learn "mutt" as
> "elm" has gone away.
> Most of the mail to the "delong.org" account is SPAM, but I keep it just
> in case someone from the past REALLY wants to reach me.
> Its also fun to demo at work and watch the NFKs on the team faint at
> watching me read messages with it.
(Whadday MEAN you dont use a mouse on it???)

> I only log in a few times a year to prune SPAM, and send a form letrter
> out to all the recruiters who dont know my Gmail account.
> Its been so long, they MUST be working from purchased "sucker lists".
> About this time last year, I started getting messages sporadically telling
> me that they have hacked my email and not only have my password but have
> downloaded my entire computer.
> In return for 4digits of bitcoin, they are willing to delete any info they
> have on me including the browsing habits on various porn sites.
> Whats interesting is that they do indeed have my address at Delong.org,
> but the password they have had never been used on Delong.
> Interestingly enough, I HAVE used this password in the past, but never on
> Delong, so this password was from one of the other "leaks".
> They also claim that they will send this out to everyone in my address
> book.
> On Delong, there IS no address book.
> The problem with dealing with extortion, is that they may promise to
> destroy the evidence if paid, but they never do, as they will come around
> again for another bite at the apple.
> Since the threats started about this time last year, (although I only
> became aware of it a few days ago), if they were going to do something,
> they would have done it already.
> Im also going to guess that if they DID start mailing out my "supposed"
> browsing history, anyone actually knowing me would know it was fake as I
> doubt they would ber able to come up with a history that would fool someone
> who actually knew me.
> Circling back to the recruiting issue...
> Im preparing to do something potentially dangerous.
> Ive started writing an article titled "Identity Theft For Fun & Profit".
> It details setting yourself up to appear as a recruiter to snarf a few
> details out of a prospect and then use the net to turn that fragment of the
> SS# into the FULL SS# which can
> in turn be sold on the net.
> Im thinking of posting it to LinkedIn.
> Its dangerous for 2 reasons.
> First, some micreant might actually DO it.
> The other reason is that I would be showing that I use my brain for
> something other than a hat rack, and we all know, smart people are
> extremely dangerous.
> The TOTUS (Twit Of The US) I have heard wants to get rid of smart people.
> Probably piss of a good part of the recruiting industry in the process.
> Uncle Fester used to say "Dont step on kitty cats tail!"   (GROWLF!)
> "Awww, he stepped on Kittycats tail...."

R "Texx" Woodworth
Sysadmin, E-Postmaster, IT Molewhacker
"Face down, 9 edge 1st, roadkill on the information superdata highway..."
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