[conspire] [OT] weather prediction (was: Re: Electronics Flea Market 2019)

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Mon Mar 4 22:27:47 PST 2019

Quoting Michael Paoli (Michael.Paoli at cal.berkeley.edu):

> Well, yes (mostly) and no (a bit - under certain specific circumstances).

Oh, wow, edge cases!    I love edge cases!

Er, wait.  Cancel that.  ;->

Cheers,            You must rise or sink / You must conquer or win, 
Rick Moen          Or serve and lose. / Suffer or triumph, / Be anvil or hammer.
rick at linuxmafia.com 
McQ! (4x80)        -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Gesellige Lieder, Ein Anderes 

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