[conspire] That costs extra

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Tue Apr 9 01:41:37 PDT 2019

Quoting Texx (texxgadget at gmail.com):

(I've repaired your inability to correctly type 'FAA'.)

> OK so FAA doesnt have the technical expertise to actually regulate the
> industry.

I see zero reason to think that.

> What the neo cons are all about de regulating industry and actual
> dismantling of the govt in the name of tax relief.

True enough, but for an entirely different group.  (You have the name
totally wrong; what you describe is not a characteristic aberration of
neocons, who are by definition characterised by a set of views about
international relations.)

> If the FAA doesnt have the expertise, then lets just get RID of it?
> Lets cut some taxes.

No.  For fsck's sake.

I really should not have to outline why that is a supremely bad idea,
and I'm disinclined to take the time and bandwidth.

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