[conspire] Linux apps on a chromebook, via Debian 9 Stretch Virtual Machine

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Fri Sep 7 16:37:42 PDT 2018

Quoting Tony Godshall (togo at of.net):

> linux native apps on a chromebook (debian in a virtual machine,
> linux apps show up as alt-tab-able apps in chromeOS)

Yeah, I guess I might have made a hasty assumption that the Chromebook
Christian spoke of had a usable general-purpose operating system.
I was vaguely aware that the OS was something called ChromeOS, that it's
based on the Linux kernel like a real distro, and that it tries to
corral people into hosted Web apps (i.e., Google's hosted Web apps) by
making the default 'desktop' interface program be Google's Chrome
proprietary Web browser.

I'd _assumed_ that you could also ignore the Web browser for just a
moment and switch to a console to run 'lsusb'.  But maybe not.  Maybe it
really is _that_ lame.  (I wouldn't know.  If someone gave me a
Chromebook, I'd reinstall it with something real without delay.

is a February 2018 article saying there is _just now_ a terminal app
(Crostini) for ChromeOS that gives you a real terminal without waving a
dead chicken at the crossroads under a full moon and flipping a switch 
to enter 'Developer Mode'.


And Crostini is what you're talking about.  Thanks!

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