[conspire] Californians, check your voter registration (Monday deadline)

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Fri Oct 19 12:58:12 PDT 2018

California's registration deadline is 15 calendar days before each
election; in this case, Monday, Oct. 22, 2018.  It is greatly in 
your interest to verify that your voter registration exists and is
correct while it's still possible to correct it.

(If you aren't registered by deadline, under California law, it's still
possible to vote a provisional ballot at any time up through Election
Day, and it'll be counted after your eligibility gets confirmed.)

Most California counties offer checking online.  The others you can
telephone:  https://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/registration-status/

I've already dropped off my completed ballot at my county elections
office.  There are many drop-off locations, or you can mail your ballot
in, in which case it must be postmarked by Election Day (Nov. 6th) and
received by Nov. 9th.  (Personally, I'd rather drop it into the ballot
box, myself.)

My analyses of this ballot, in case people find them useful:

Cheers,           Day 4278 of my caffeine LD50 field test experiment.  Eyeballs
Rick Moen         are vibrating.  Can hear colors.  Caught a hummingbird.
rick at linuxmafia.com                             -- Matt Watson (@biorhythmist)
McQ! (4x80)       

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